Why Opt for Trash Removal Services in Austin?


If you are a resident of Austin, then you may have heard about the Residential Bulk Collection. Austin Resource Recovery collects residential trash from the residents. People also call this bulk trash pickup Austin. This is an excellent service provided by the government. But the downside to this is that it happens only two times a year. If you can schedule your junk collection for only those two days, that’s great. But what if you can’t? What can you do then? We are going to tell you, as an Austin citizen, why you should also opt for trash removal services even though you have Residential Bulk Collection.

Not Enough Time

Trash pickup by the government takes lots of time. First of all, it happens only twice a year. So unless you can plan to clean up your large pile of junk on those two days, you have to look for alternatives. The second thing is, it takes a while for the pickup truck to come to your place. Since they cover a lot of households, it takes them a lot of time.

Guidelines and Requirements

Timing and scheduling are flexibility issues but those aren’t the only issues you have to face. You also have to know the guidelines and meet the requirements to have this twice a year service. This may seem hard and sometimes even feel like a day job! The strict guidelines include rules like placing all items at the curb in front of the house by 6.30 AM of your scheduled day, place all items in three separate piles, the group discarded appliances with metal items, remove rims from tires, etc.

The Initiative Is Not as Green as They Say

The Austin Resource Recovery only recycles metal items, household appliances, and passenger vehicle tires. Literally anything else, e.g. good nail-free lumber, furniture, and non-metal items are taken directly to the landfill and dumped! This is quite the opposite of green. And if you are concerned about your environment and its preservation, you should think twice before you support this initiative.

Not All the Junk Get Picked Up in the Same Day

This is a strange reality. Since there are three piles of junk, not all items get collected on the same day. There are different trucks for each pile and they all have their dedicated routes so even though you place all your junk one day, it won’t get collected that day. After you have piled all the junk you have, made three piles following the guidelines, and placed them all before 6.30 AM, you may have to stare at it for days before it gets cleaned up wholly.

What You Can Do

In this situation, you should look for alternatives. The best alternative you can have is junk removal services. They are privately owned and they offer their services at your own time. You don’t even have to do anything at all since they will do all the loading, hauling, recycling, and dumping.


Bulk trash pickup Austin is helpful but it gets annoying for the reasons we mentioned above. If you are tired of all the rules and requirements, “trash companies near me” are there for you.