4 Things You Must Do Before Visiting Your Dentist


Most people despise looking to the “local dentist near me”. Unfortunately, it is an unavoidable evil when it comes to maintaining long-term dental and oral hygiene. Furthermore, if you have any medical problems, such as painful mouth ulcers or sensitive teeth, your dentist may assist you to feel better.

So, what should you do to prepare for your dental appointment? Read on for our four top suggestions on things to check into before visiting a good dentist near me.

#1. Brush & Floss

Brushing and flossing your teeth a couple of hours before going to the dentist is usually a good idea, but don’t overdo it. If you haven’t been flossing in-between visits, flossing a few days before your appointment won’t help you and may even damage your teeth if you go excessive.

Simply go about your business as usual, unless your appointment is in the afternoon or early evening, in which case brush after lunch to ensure no residue remains. It just helps to clean things up and keep your breath fresh for your dental appointment.

#2. Try Not to Eat Anything Before You Go

This is more out of politeness than anything else; however, if you ate anything before brushing, the taste and residue may still be in your mouth after brushing. Tuna sandwiches or fresh garlic spaghetti may add an odor to an already unpleasant experience for the dentist, so it’s best to avoid it.

You may always treat yourself to a delicious lunch after seeing the dentist if you want to but try not to eat for at least an hour prior.

#3. Prepare Ahead of Time

Whether your children have been to the dentist before or this is their first visit, getting them all in the vehicle and adequately prepared may be a nightmare if they know what to expect. Unfortunately, the dentist isn’t usually in the top ten places to visit when you’re a child.

Making a dental routine in advance of such appointments may actually help things go more smoothly. Something as simple as taking them out for a drink beforehand or having a “dentist preparation checklist” may help acquaint the kids with the appointment and make it less frightening.

#4. Bring Your Apnea Aids or Oral Guars

Whether you have sleep apnea, bring any oral appliances you have (not a sleep apnea machine), like retainers or guards, so they may be checked to see if they’re still in excellent working order.

Tartar may build upon these in the same way it does on your teeth. It may be placed in an ultrasonic cleaning machine by the dentist to be ready by the time you complete your cleaning and exam.

Final Words

Keep in mind that dental checkups are just as essential as any other routine medical examination. To make the journey more enjoyable, try to have a good attitude. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, and eat a healthy diet to keep your teeth in good shape.